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Canadian Nicki LaChapelle Attending Singapore Grand Prix

Toronto, September 29, 2022

Canadian motorsport official Nicki LaChapelle has joined the Singapore Grand Prix officiating team as part of the “Women Officials’ Exchange Program”!

After a global application campaign, Nicki was selected as just one of 24 participants from around the globe, to join the officiating crew for the 2022 Singapore F1 race weekend, Sept 30th – Oct 2nd. She will be paired with a mentor and assigned a trackside position for the weekend, as well as circulating through pitlane, the paddock, and scrutineers or starter positions to gain the maximum amount of experience at an F1 event.

The first time Nicki came across the officiating opportunity was via the FIA’s Facebook post. Applicants require an officials license with the FIA, and they were also asked to write an essay describing their motorsport experience and why they believe they’re a good fit for the program. Out of the 24 selected, LaChapelle was the only Canadian.

“It’s for empowering women to take power positions within the motorsport world and maximize our abilities. This is the first time they’ve ever done anything like this. For a team to offer an opportunity like this, where they pay for our flights, hotel, food, is huge. The experience of getting to shadow in the pit lane, tech inspections, race control in the tower, and with the stewards in case there are rule violations, will be invaluable” – LaChapelle.

Also attending this year’s Singapore Grand Prix will be Elise Racette, Canada’s delegate with the FIA Volunteers & Officials Commission.

About Women in Motorsport Canada

WIMCanada is an affiliate of the Sports Development Group (GDS), the National sporting authority for autosports in Canada, and the FIA Women in Motorsport Commission (WIMC). The WIMC was created in 2009 in order to show that motorsport is open to women in all of its aspects, as a competitor, officials, team managers, engineers, mechanics and much more.

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